Sunday, August 24, 2008

Started out the evening at an All-Delegate Celebration Recognizing Katrina Relief Organizations hosted by the Democratic National Convention Committee and Howard Dean.  Chairman Dean spoke briefly about Katrina Relief then a New Orleans band took the stage.  

The band finished their set with When the Saints Go Marching In.  
(I Love New Orleans Brass... and the room did too.  See the picture of the conga line)

Then I headed over to a party hosted by Senator Tom Harkin at The Celtic Tavern.  It was my first chance to meet with other Iowa Delegates. 

From there I had an opportunity to go to an event focusing on renewable fuels.  Robert Kennedy Jr. and Tim Kaine spoke on the need for America to develop a long term energy policy.  Kennedy moved from the theme to talk about the failure of the Bush Administration to develop a positive foreign policy.  
"It took 232 years to build a reservoir of good will and seven short years of arrogance to squander it."  Tim Kaine pointed out that since two oil executives took the head of the executive branch gas went from $1.40 to $4.  

Dave Matthews took the stage and blew the crowd away.  He mention how great it was spending time with people talking about such important issues.

It has been a long day and I will begin in the morning at 7:30am for a Iowa Delegation Breakfast and get my credentials for the day.  So ends my first day in Denver.


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