I left the Ban Bird Porn protest to head to the Pepsi Center.
Eleanor Holmes Norton from D.C. opened the convention with a speech about D.C. representation. I have heard arguments for D.C. statehood for some time and I really have not had much of an opinion. Eleanor Holmes Norton has been a great advocate for the cause. I have seen her on the Daily Show and other shows and she makes a good case. 600,ooo people live in D.C. and do not have representation in Congress.
I was asked to put up pictures of myself up so I had a picture taken with the Lt. Governor.
Today was Gov. Culver's day and he gave a heck of a speech. I sat behind Gov. Dean and he was impressed. Following the speech Gov. Culver was warmly received by the Iowa Delegation. Gov. Culver and Mary Campos are pictured together.
Not sure who said it but one speaker made a good joke. It was said about George H. W. Bush that he was born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple. George W. Bush was born on 3rd base and stole 2nd.
Howard Dean and Dick Myers had a conversation. I believe Myers was a Dean supporter in 04.
I left for a while and got back in time for the Keynote from Mark Warner. As I walked in to the hall I walked past Samantha Bee and Jason Jones. I handed them a flier from Bird Porn rally. They thanked me but didn't seem to care. The crowd was getting so big that I couldn't stay to talk. Warner's speech was great. I first heard of Mark Warner about seven years ago. I saw him give a speech on education reform and was impressed and knew he was someone that we be know nationally. Shortly after I chose to go become a teacher.
Some thought that his topic of bipartisanship tonight was not appropriate for a Democratic National Convention. I do believe that four years ago the Keynote was about bipartisanship... who gave that speech??? oh yeah... BARACK OBAMA! I am a proud Democrat, but I am also a proud democrat. We have elections to build coalitions to pick representatives that represent our interests, but once elected the representative is a representative of We the People... All the People. Democracy depends upon our representatives to understand this and that has been lacking in the last 8 years. Warner's point that Obama is candidate that will bring people together and that McCain has proven he will continue the practice of dividing the American people was absolutely on target. Great Keynote. Following the speech Mark Warner did an interview with Bob Schieffer just to my right.
Also pictured is actor Richard Dreyfus listening to Warner's Keynote.
The hall got so crowded that the fire marshall stopped letting people in. I was so cramped that I stopped taking pictures. The Gov. from Montana was really funny. If you missed his speech try to find it.
The theme at the end was Unity. If you saw Senator Clinton's speech you know what I mean. In the spirit of unity I will say Hillary gave a good speech. I can't wait until tomorrow for Senator Biden.