Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday Breakfast

Today's breakfast was sponsored by Governor Culver. I got a shot of Congressman Boswell listening to Governor Culver.
Paul Tewes spoke to the Iowa delegation. Tewes should be a name that people know because of his great strategy to win the Iowa Caucuses. He said that Iowa is under rated because of what it teaches political campaigners. Iowa is where campaigners learn how to organize. "When the caucus was over and the campaign left Iowa, the lessons of organizing went with the young campaigners across the nation."
Governor Culver talk about the great Democratic team we have in Iowa with Speaker Murphy, Senator Gronstal, and the statewide officials, but that we need a partner in the federal executive branch. With a President Obama on the team "the sky's the limit." He also gave a great motivational speech. "Who needs sleep? Sleep only makes you groggy. There are only 70 days left, we can sleep for the next 8 years... very well."
Lt. Governor Patty Judge (my mother) spoke to the delegation about our need to cross the finish line. We have come up short in the last two elections and we need to make sure that we cross the finish line this time.
Finally Frank Cownie talked about the Nation's Mayor's 10 point plan. Cownie has been an active Obama support for some time.


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