NEA Luncheon
I went to the joint American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association Luncheon featuring the Democratic Women Governors. I rode the bus over to the Mile High Station (near Invesco Field) I talked a bit with a couple of teachers from Florida. They were a little bitter about being penalized for breaking the nomination schedule rules. Florida got there whole delegation seated but were still unhappy. I told them I was from Iowa, and I got a cold response. "Oh a caucus state," was here response. I was one of the first to arrive at the event so I sat at a table by myself for a while. Then a retired Government teacher from Michigan sat beside me. We talked Michigan politics a little. The issue of Iowa vs Michigan 1st in the Nation issue never came up but I think I know where he stands. Soon another retired teacher from California sat beside me. Finally... a delegate not from a rule breaking state. Reg Weaver (NEA President) started the event. Reg has been a great leader of the NEA and we will miss him when he retires. Next up was the Governor of Deleware Ruth Ann Minner. The sound was not so good so I couldn't make out much of what she was saying but she was excited about Joe Biden as we all were.
Then Janet Napolitano took the stage. She gave a good line about how Arizona is the only state that does not have a Governor's Manson. She owns a condo as most people only own one home in Arizona and said, "I am the only governor that lives in a condo but I do know where that condo is."
Finally Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas took the stage. Sebelius was on the short list for V.P. She hit the education issues hard.
"When you talk about economic development you have to start with education." She then told us the important role educators have in this election.
"There is no more powerful force in a campaign than teachers." She discussed how powerful it is for students and their families see teachers walking down the street campaigning.
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