Night 3
I am posting this stuff at 1:45 in the morning and I am still tired. I have MSNBC on. I usually choose MSNBC because I think they usually do the best coverage. What I am watching now is ridiculous. They keep talking about the need for "RED MEAT." They keep asking when is it going to happen. Was anyone paying attention tonight. Bill Clinton did a number on McCain. They went to break during Kerry. Kerry tore McCain apart. You don't need me to tell you what you watched and you don't need them to tell you what you watched. I am posting these blogs to show the delegate perspective, and from that perspective the night was amazing.
When I got there Luke Russert was doing some interviews for NBC. Like father like son.
Melissa Etheridge rocked the house with a medley of "God Bless America" with "Times are a Changin," and "Born In the USA"
The convention hall was getting crowded and you could feel the excitment. In this picture you can see the Iowa delegation. Gov. Vilsack, Mayor Cownie, and Senator Harkin were in attendance.
The convention hall was getting crowded and you could feel the excitment. In this picture you can see the Iowa delegation. Gov. Vilsack, Mayor Cownie, and Senator Harkin were in attendance.
Even Senator Leahy wanted to take pictures.
Andrea Mitchell walked by and said hello to Senator Leahy.
The convention welcomed President Clinton with a Star Spangled salute. Mary and Chet were with the Iowa Delegation.
This was the Bill Clinton that we all love. I don't think he was ever comfortable with the role of campaign spouse. This side of Bill Clinton I have not seen since Hillary decided to run.
Bob Schieffer was reading that paper while Clinton spoke.
Tonight Senator Kerry showed us why he won the Iowa Caucus. If he would showed that passion in 2004, this would be a renominating convention.
The program went a long and Gov. Richardson was scheduled to speak. Instead he did an interview with Schieffer.
I was so excited about Joe Biden's speech tonight and he delivered. His son introduced him and even though I knew the family story, it was moving. The line from the video clip showed Joe Biden's wisdom, "When you see abuse of power, you've got to speak. Whether its a parent slapping around a child, or a president taking a country into an unnecessary war... That is abuse of power and you have to speak."
Surprise Guest!!!!! I sent my wife, who is in Des Moines watching, a text "Wow I had no idea he was going to be here." She texted back "Um, I did... they said it like an hour ago on CNN." So I guess there are some things viewers at home know that we don't on the floor.
The stage on the way out.
I put this picture up because these were the best olives I have ever had. After the convention we went to a party and the food was really good... especially the olives.
Thank you Joe. It was great to read all this stuff. I think we are going to win this.
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